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Thursday, January 5, 2012

Dieting and Excerise

I made no New Years Resolutions as I never stick to them. I made myself a promise, to eat better and exercise to achieve my goal weight. So far, I have been eating better, cutting the calories, as for the exercise not so much. When I exercise I feel great but my problem is getting my butt out of bed in the morning. Anyone have any ideas? I know an exercise partner would be great, but I am exercise at home. My boyfriend has been setting his alarm for me and that worked for a couple of days then we had the long weekend and I lost my momentum. It has now been a week and I haven’t worked out, I keep telling myself I am going to….it is all very frustrating and I have no one to blame but myself. Tomorrow is a new day and I will try again. Keeping Positive.

New to blogging

Hi I'm new to blogging. Ive readable lot of good blogs so I thought I'd give my own a try. If there are any suggestions out there I'm open to them. I look forward to this new venture in my life.
